

Podcast Episode 169 is “Yoga as a Path to Self-Discovery with Idit Hefer Tamir"

How to set powerful intentions that will come true

Every year many people start with a new year’s resolution which may start something like this “This year I will….” The goals and intentions are set, and we are very sure that this year will be different, this year we will change our life for the better. 

But something happens and all the willpower fizzles out, and we fall back into our old patterns. 

What if I tell you that there is a different way to make sure that your dreams & hopes can come true? The wisdom of yoga has a concept called Sankalpa. Sankalpa means “heartfelt intention”. Intentions starting point of our dreams. I believe that our creative power or our dreams are the direct links to the Divine. In one of the scriptures known as Upanishads, it is mentioned that “you are what your deepest desire is. As your desire is, so is your intention. As your intention is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny”

The wisdom of yoga is believed that we all have Dharma or life purpose. And Sankalpa can take us to fulfill our Dharma. 

So how do we know what is our Dharma? In the wisdom of yoga, it is believed that the divine is within us. And we instinctively know our Dharma. We can access it by stilling our minds. This is where the concept of Sankalpa can help us. Setting Sankalpa is like taking one step closer to our Dharma. To set Sankalpa we need to still the mind and focus on what is our most important goal at this moment. If you have multiple goals, choose the most important goal, and form a statement that this goal is happening now. Whenever your mind is calm you can repeat this statement 3 times in your mind. Once this Sankalpa is complete we can move to our next goal. 

Sankalpa is beyond new year’s resolution, it is a life-transforming experience. There are ways we can set embody our Sankalpa by asana or yogic movements, by meditation, with Yoga Nidra practice, and by writing our Sankalpa. By doing these practices we are planting the Sankalpa in our subconscious mind. Without even realizing it, we start moving towards completing our Sankalpa.

  I have created an OnDemand course called “Sankalpa, embody your heartfelt intention”  

  1. Short introduction video
  2. Five one-hour yoga sessions specially designed to help you set your intention.
  3. Yoga Nidra is designed to bring set Sankalpa and also bring healing energy into your life.
  4. Meditation with sankalpa
  5. ‘Sankalpa Journal’, this morning journal will help you stay connected with your Sankalpa, each month take a printout and write it every morning to keep you connected with your Sankalpa

Click here for the ‘Sankalpa, embody your heartfelt intention’ course 

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