

Podcast Episode 179 is “Deep relaxation with Yoga Nidra"

Sankalpa, Embody your heartfelt intention

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Welcome <name> to Sankalpa, setting your heartfelt intention.

I am so glad that you are here. Our Sanskaras/conditioning make us feel overwhelmed and we
may unknowingly become hindrance in our own progress.

With wisdom of yoga, Sankalpa /your heartfelt desire can be activated. This course is
designed to help you connect and kindle your Sankalpa.

To create the life we meant to live, we must draw the mind again and again to our dharma or
our life’s purpose, our deepest intentions, and the qualities of the Divine within.

Sankalpa is beyond resolution. While the typical New Year’s resolution is abandoned within
weeks, if not days, as enthusiasm and willpower run out, a sankalpa is set in our subconscious
mind, what is dose is that without us even realising we effortlessly start moving towards
fulfilling the Sankalpa.

Sankalpa is about our dharma or our life’s purpose, our deepest intentions, and the qualities of
the Divine within. If you are not sure of your Dharma, Sankalpa will help you understand your
heartfelt desire. I suggest to start thinking about your aim or goal of life at this moment.
Choose most important goal at this moment. Form a very positive sentence as if that gaol is
happening now, keep your sentence in present tense. keep it very positive and repeat it when
suggested in the practices.

What happens when your Sankalpa is fulfilled, its simple you can move to your next amin or
goal of your life.

I suggest take one sankalpa at a time, this way we will not overwhelm our system.

In this course you will receive:

🌸 1. Short introduction video
🌸 2. Five one hour yoga sessions especially designed to help you set intention.
🌸 3. Yoganidra designed to bring set sankalpa and also bring healing energy in your life.
🌸 4. Meditation with sankalpa
🌸 5. Sankalpa Journal, this morning journal will help you stay connected with your sankalpa, each month take a printout and write is every morning to keep you connected with your Sankalpa

I suggest on day 1 start in the morning, start Journal, then yoga class 1, then meditation, and
yoganidra sometime during day or before you go to sleep. Do this for 5 consecutive days, then
you can either repeat or just continue with the practice you like.

May you be well happy & free from sufferings.

Best wishes & Kind Regards,


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