

Podcast Episode 179 is “Deep relaxation with Yoga Nidra"

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Ayurveda Online Cooking Experience

Do you want to learn Ayurvedic cooking? Do you want to bring wisdom of Ayurveda into your day-to-day life? Do you want to adapt wisdom of Ayurveda according to your need and lifestyle.

In the wisdom of Ayurveda/India’s healing science, digestive fire plays really big part in our health.
All 3 doshas/Ayurvedic constitutions have different digestive fire / agni.

Vata person has irregular agni, pitta person has robust or too much of digestive fire, and kapha person has slow sluggish digestive fire.

To move towards optimal health for all doshas our aim should be to balance our Agni by choosing correct lifestyle practices, correct food for our constitution.

Ayurveda online cooking experience is designed to help you learn tridoshic (applicable for all 3 dosha) food. Lots of tips are given to modify the dishes according to your need. Not only you will learn 6 dishes but also by simply modifying few ingredients you will be able to make more dishes.


“Sunita’s yoga classes are a complete mind-body-spirit workout, I always leave feeling completely grounded yet at the same time have a lightness of being that comes from such a pure practise.”

Kim Pearce

“Her patience, concern and intuition for our needs for that particular day astounds me. We all leave stretched, clearer, happier in mind, muscles worked and better able to deal with the rest of the week.”

Ushi Williams

“I had never tried yoga before and didn’t really know what to expect. Since then I have told all my friends that practising yoga is the most wonderful thing that has happened to me for many, many years.”

Dominic, Roseville

“Through her expert guidance Yoga has helped me to focus and keep my life in meaningful balance. I not only improve my physical health and flexibility but also gain much needed mental energy”

Zac, Turramurra

“Sunita always manages to tailor the classes perfectly to each individual and you really feel as though you are getting one on one instruction.”

Pip W.

“Her knowledge of yoga is vast and all of us benefit in our own ways. A very caring & dedicated teacher!”

Alison B. Gordon

“A superb teacher of infinite patience, radiance and wisdom. Each class is well planned and varied.


“Sunita was my guiding light during my cancer journey. She has helped me immensely.”

Yasmina Sault

Ayurveda Dosha Quiz

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